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5 Minutes With Seb and Fred From C’est Du Gâteau

C’est Du Gâteau has well and truly made its mark on the Brisbane foodie scene. So, what better time to get to know the two incredibly talented pastry chefs behind all those delicious pastries and cakes you have been enjoying, Seb and Fred!

We’re giving you an exclusive behind the scenes look at the inner workings of C’est Du Gâteau, and a chance to get to know the owners!

First things first, how did you get your start and why did you decide to open a French Patisserie?
We are two French pastry chefs who have created a very strong friendship through our shared passion and vision for baking and are absolutely thrilled to bring our passion for baking into reality with our French Patisserie!

We love the name – can you please tell us the story behind ‘C’est Du Gâteau?’
We started to talk about how we could share our passion with as many people as possible and one day we found it, opening a place where you could come a grab a taste of France right in the heart of South Bank on Grey Street. C’est Du Gâteau which literally translates to, ‘It’s a piece of cake’ was a fun metaphor that just made sense for us.

How did you learn the art of pastry making?’
We both learned the art of pastry making through working in France in some of the most renowned kitchens. Where we both have finessed and mastered our skills with over 15 years of experience making pastries.

What excites you most about opening C’est Du Gâteau?
We are thrilled to share the result of our pastry-making knowledge and make people happy enjoying our range of pastry and cake creations.

What’s your favourite pastry to make/eat?
It’s hard to pick just one pastry! If we had to choose, then the lemon meringue would be our top pick.

If a friend came to visit Brisbane for the first time, how would you spend a weekend showing them the sights?
We would show them around South Bank Parklands, as it is beautiful and really shows off what Brisbane has to offer in one place.
