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Streets Beach at South Bank Parklands

Australia's only beach in the middle of the city, Streets Beach is one of South Bank's most popular attractions. A unique, man-made swimming beach, Streets Beach overlooks the brilliant Brisbane River and central business district.

Conceived as a major piece of landscape, Streets Beach has a sparkling-clean, crystal-clear lagoon with white-sand beaches, palm trees, pebbled creeks and shady shallows surrounded by subtropical trees and exotic plantings.

Safety is extremely important at South Bank: there are none of the waves or dangerous rips found at coastal beaches, and Streets Beach is patrolled by experienced, professional lifeguards seven days a week.

South Bank Corporation recognises the traditional owners of the lands at South Bank, the Turrbal and Yuggera people. We also pay our respects to their elders, past and present, and the elders from other communities who visit from time to time.

Streets Beach will be closed from Monday 3 March 2025 while our team undertakes essential maintenance ahead of our annual winter beach maintenance closure.  

Streets Beach is more than 30 years old and is much-loved by visitors, with hundreds of thousands of people swimming at the beach each year. Just like any other pool, regular works are needed to keep it running at its best. Each year, Streets Beach closes for a period during winter and sometimes during other seasons to keep up with essential maintenance schedules.  

The Boat Pool and Aquativity pools will remain open when Streets Beach is closed, so visitors can still enjoy swimming at South Bank.  

Streets Beach is estimated to reopen before the end of March, pending maintenance activities and weather conditions. As soon as a date for reopening is confirmed, we’ll share updates via our website and social media channels.   

Thank you for your patience while our team is busy maintaining South Bank.

30b Stanley St Plaza, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia